Hello! Have you ever thought about how being taken by surprise by the ground shaking under your feet can feel? That certainly was the case for Barraba, northern New South Wales, as a 3.2 magnitude earthquake hit the area .
Even though this seismic occurrence could be classified as fairly slight, it nonetheless registered, and there were talks, worries, and questions. In this paper, we will discuss what happened during the earthquake, what the locals did as a reaction, and what it means for a town that has habitually been without seismicity. Now, let us take a closer look at this strange and fascinating event in all its particulars.
Let’s dive in!
Table of Contents
What Happened in Barraba?
Without any history of such occurrences in the past, the usually calm Barraba town was rocked by a 3.2 magnitude earthquake. This is because Barraba is situated in the New England region of Northern New South Wales, a seismically inactive zone.
This shake came as a shocker to the residents of this zealous little town. Even though the seismic activity of this magnitude would be considered minor anywhere else around the globe, it is bound to cause some thudding and shaking that could be quite uncomfortable, even in regions that are not used to dealing with such things.
Based on figures provided by the Geoscience Australia monitoring network, the earthquake had its epicenter at a distance of approximately 334 km kilometers while the center down the crust. The tremor was experienced by most of the town’s residences as well as neighboring ones, hence the numerous eyewitness accounts and posts on social media about the shaking. The daily routine in Barraba was in disarray for a few seconds, as windows trembled, small items jumped, and some people screamed out of shock due to the earthquake.
Nonetheless, the incident did not cause significant harm or injuries to the area. Still, the event captured the people’s attention. Before long, the reporters were ready and waiting to cover any disruption to people’s lives that the tremor may have caused and to ensure that nothing major had arisen due to the earthquake.
What Is a 3.2 Magnitude Earthquake?
To comprehend the event more thoroughly, it is essential to explore the meaning of articles on a 3.2-scale earthquake. Earthquakes are assessed on a scale known as the Richter Scale, which is a logarithmic-based measurement of how much energy an earthquake releases into the environment.
A quake measured at a magnitude of 3.2 is placed in the scope of ‘minor’ quakes. Destruction is not their most outstanding feature, yet those shakes can be experienced by individuals at a close distance mechanically. They may, at times, result in slight damage to the structures, such as minor cracks or shaking of items.
The degree of damage caused by an earthquake depends on several variables, such as how deep the earthquake starts, how far it is from the epicenter, and the geography of the area. In Barraba, townspeople felt the quake since it was quite shallow and located close to the town. Shallow earthquakes less than 70 kilometers in depth are often felt more strongly at the surface than deeper earthquakes.
The earthquake 3.2 shocks in Barraba, thankfully, did not reach enough magnitude to instill fear or panic in the populace. Nevertheless, it was a balanced jolt for most of the residents who had never felt an earthquake since it was their first encapsulating experience of a natural occurrence that could not be predicted despite all the weather.
Residents’ Reactions and Experiences
After the earthquake occurred, some residents of Barraba were the first to share what happened. Different social media platforms were filled with posts about people’s houses shaking or them hearing some unsettled sound because the earth moved. Many likened the feeling to a feeling like a big truck had driven past. The constraint was short of a few seconds opt some of them but long enough for their attendance to focus.
Local commerce suffered minor interruptions as some shelves and products tumbled, but no major damage occurred. The tremor also reached schools and workplaces, resulting in some individuals leaving the premises in alarm. A number of people in Barraba had never experienced an earthquake, and although they did not get hurt, this event made an impact on society.
A lot of people were interested in knowing why that earthquake happened and whether it meant that something worse was on the way or that it was just a one-off occurrence. Geoscience Australia was the first to respond and told people very soon after the quake of M 3.2 that there would be no further significant earthquakes, as aftershocks might be expected, but there was a very low probability of anything larger occurring.
Understanding Earthquake Activity in Australia
Although Australia usually does not fall into the category of areas with considerable seismic activities, say, for instance, the Pacific “Ring of Fire,” the Australian continent has witnessed its fair share of earthquakes. The majority of earthquakes in Australia aim to be minor, with only a few of them getting to magnitudes that are capable of destruction.
Earthquakes in Australia are often caused by tensions building up in the tectonic plates, which are always in motion.
Although the New England region where Barraba is located is perceived to be an area with low earthquake occurrence, the recent event shows that even low seismic activity regions do experience some tremors from time to time.
The highest magnitude earthquake ever experienced in Australia was 6.6 magnitude in 1988, but one good thing is that tremors of that nature are not common.
While this earthquake may have been unexpected for the residents of Barraba, it shows why it is essential to learn about seismic activity and how communities can make arrangements for such activities in the future.
What Can Be Done to Prepare for Future Earthquakes?
Although there are earthquakes of very low magnitudes that may not cause much damage, e.g., 3.2 on the Richter scale, it is still important for individuals and communities to prepare themselves for the possibility of subsequent tremors occurring. Have a look at a few suggestions on how to prepare for earthquakes:
- Tidy Up Shelves: In case of an earthquake, items that are not contained can tumble out or get hit and start screwing up the place, injuring people or damaging property. Ensure that large sofas, free-standing appliances, and other such items are restrained against the walls or the floors.
- Basic Emergency Plan for Each Household: Every family should have at least emergency preparedness/action plans. Apart from such activities, a place for familiar group members should be determined to avoid separation—for instance, after an earthquake, people can hide under a strong table.
- Emergency Kit: Maintain a basic supplies kit that includes water and non-perishable foods, a flashlight, spare batteries, first aid supplies, and backup copies of important paperwork. This kit can be extremely useful whenever disaster strikes.
- Stay Informed: Watching the local television news and updates from geological agencies on the danger of earthquakes can help you be aware of the threats of earthquakes in your area.
Recognize the Symptoms: In most cases, earthquakes occur with little or no warning; that said, there are reports of specific signs, such as certain animals acting strangely or sounds being heard. Such signs do not guarantee extreme caution will be afforded to the situation.
The 3.2 magnitude quake that hit Barraba, NSW, may be on the lower end of the scale, and the reason is that the residents of this town are not in the slightest accustomed to experiencing such events. Although there were no major repercussions, such as damage or injuries, many residents were somehow left with the knowledge that the risk of earthquakes, even in the safest regions, is present.
As we have noted, it is important to manage small earthquakes, for instance, by keeping calm and composed in and after the tremor, knowing that earthquakes will happen, and it is a must to learn how the earthquakes come and the ways to prepare for the earthquakes.
What steps will you take to help protect you and your family from eventualities like natural earthquakes or other events?
- What caused seismic activity in Barraba?
The earthquake resulted from stress accumulation due to the movements of the tectonic plates within the earth’s crust. Although Australia cannot be termed a high-risk region, small tremors can still be experienced.
- Is a 3.2–magnitude earthquake something to be scared of?
No harm is expected from a 3.2-magnitude earthquake, as it rarely causes serious structural damage. People around the vicinity may notice some movement, but no one is expected to get hurt, and there will not be heaps of wreckage.
- Barraba, Are there further tremors anticipated?
It’s unlikely, but possible. Earthquakes may occur, in which case minor tremors are likely, but this region has never experienced aftershocks of large quakes.
- What shall I do when I sense an earthquake?
In case you are within an earthquake and are able to sIt on the floor, please assume the position below a piece of furniture and hold on firmly until the shaking stops. Do not stand next to windows or large items that may collapse.