Black Day: Pakistan Stands Firm in Unbreakable Support for Kashmir 2024

Hello, everyone! On Black Day today, President Asif Ali Zardari & Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif again took the same stand as they supported the oppressed people of occupied Kashmir. Occurring on the 27 of October every year, this day shall raise awareness across the globe of the fate of the people of Kashmir after they were settled in 1947. 

And it is a fact that during a meeting with the current Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Nawaz Sharif, and the former Premier, Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, both gave vent to Pakistan’s stand on a free and fair referendum on the future of the disputed territory of Kashmir. 

Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

Significance of Black Day

an image of Significance of Black Day

  • Commemoration of Struggle: Black Day moves from 27 to 28 October every year to commemorate the day that Indian forces stepped into Kashmir in 1947.
  • Awareness Campaigns: to inform people about the situation and the struggle Khan has been leading for years for the people of Kashmir.
  • Global Attention: This day also aims to receive international attention in the matters of human rights abuses in this region.

Statements from Leaders

an image of Statements from Leaders

President Zardari’s Address:

  • He repeated his stance on the Kashmir issue.
  • Mr Zardari Distilled the List of the Ages of injustices Inflicted on the Kashmiris.
  • He said this placed the international community’s responsibility to act.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s Remarks:

  • Sharif shared Zardari’s sentiment to a similar effect: supporting the Kashmiris.
  • He criticized human rights abuses in the territory of Indian-Administered Kashmir.
  • Sharif urged for a solution through negotiations with the help of a UN resolution.

Pakistan’s Ongoing Support

Pakistan’s support for Kashmiris includes various dimensions:

  • Diplomatic Efforts: Thus, the government began working with international forums to make people aware of the situation in Kashmir.
  • Advocacy: Calling about it at the United Nations and other international forums.
  • Public Awareness: The two activities include Holding rallies and events aimed at informing the citizens about the fight for Kashmir.

The Role of Civil Society

  • Activism: There is a civil society that strives for the cause of Kashmir in one way or the other.
  • Education: Efforts to let the public see the past and the events transpiring in the region.
  • Solidarity Events: Several activities are arranged to protest against the situation in Kashmir and to support the Kashmir people to gain their rights.

Challenges Ahead

Despite strong support, several challenges persist:

  • International Indifference: Most of the countries keep mum on the Kashmir issue.
  • Political Tensions: Conflict between the two countries continues to fuel the region, which remains a problem between India and Pakistan.
  • Media Coverage: When human rights violations are not extensively covered, it becomes difficult to seek international attention.

Path Forward

For a brighter future for Kashmir, the following steps are crucial:

  • Increased Advocacy: Further attempts to sensitize the world regarding the situation in Kashmir.
  • Human Rights Monitoring: Forming an independent team to assess the situation in Kashmir.
  • Diplomatic Engagement: Continued discussion between the representatives of Pakistan and India concerning the problem.

The following video explains about The Role of Civil Society:


However, the complaisance of President Zardari and PM Shehbaz on the occasion of Black Day is a clear deputy to the long-standing stand of Pakistan on the Kashmir issue. But can this new pledge alter the living situation of the people of the South Asian territory as the entire world watches? 

The fight for freedom continues, and this is why it needs Pakistan’s leadership to address their needs and give them a platform. Altogether, I pray for a favorable judgment in the people of Kashmir’s favor.

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